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Sherry Atkinson

Sherry Atkinson’s design process is a harmonious blend of creativity, practicality, and client collaboration. Let’s delve into the steps she follows:

  1. Initial Consultation:
  • Sherry begins by understanding her client’s vision, lifestyle, and preferences. She listens carefully to their needs, desires, and any specific requirements.
  • During this phase, she also assesses the space, considers existing elements, and identifies potential challenges.
  • Concept Development:
  • Armed with insights from the consultation, Sherry crafts a design concept. This includes color schemes, layout ideas, and overall aesthetics.
  • She collaborates closely with the client, ensuring that the concept aligns with their vision.
  • Space Planning:
  • Sherry meticulously plans the layout, optimizing functionality and flow. She considers furniture placement, traffic patterns, and spatial balance.
  • The goal is to create a harmonious environment that maximizes both form and function.
  • Material Selection:
  • Sherry curates materials, fabrics, and finishes. She balances quality, durability, and cost-effectiveness.
  • Her expertise allows her to choose materials that enhance the design while staying within budget constraints.
  • Budgeting and Cost Control:
  • As “a designer on a budget,” Sherry excels in this aspect. She provides transparent cost estimates and helps clients make informed decisions.
  • She explores cost-effective alternatives without compromising on style.
  • Design Execution:
  • Sherry oversees the implementation phase. Whether it’s a home renovation or commercial project, she ensures that the design vision comes to life.
  • She collaborates with contractors, artisans, and suppliers to execute the plan seamlessly.
  • Feedback and Refinement:
  • Throughout the process, Sherry seeks client feedback. Adjustments are made based on their preferences.
  • Her honest communication ensures that clients are well-informed and satisfied with the progress.
  • Final Reveal:
  • The culmination of hard work! Sherry unveils the transformed space to her clients.
  • Their reactions are often priceless—a testament to her ability to create impactful designs within budgetary constraints.

Sherry’s approach emphasizes practicality and collaboration, making the design journey enjoyable and rewarding for her clients.


I've used Sherry's services multiple times for small and large projects. She has impeccable taste and is cost conscious. She can get you a million dollar look on a friendly bugdet. She is friendly and easy to work with and very responsive. I recommend her for design and decorating projects big and small.